Who is going to look out for me?

Expanding spiritual capacity requires subordinating our own needs to something beyond our self-interest.  Because we often perceive our own needs as urgent, shifting attention away from them can prompt very primitive survival fears.  If I truly focus my attention on others, we worry, who is going to look out for me?

The Power of Full Engagement, Loehr, Schwartz

And so it goes in team building.  How do you convince a curmudgeonly team member to let go of fiercely protecting their personal needs in favor of the good of the team?  Fear – primitive survival fear – is not to be taken lightly.  What are they missing?  Trust of the team, most certainly.  Trust that their needs will be met.

It’s likely not resistance to new ideas out of a selfish or miserly spirit, but rather an indication of a perceived lack of safety and of trust.  Perhaps empathy is called for – seek first to understand.  Display the qualities you wish to embolden in others, oh fearless leader.

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